Sunday, September 11, 2016

A New Introduction.

Well, it's been about two years since my last blog, and my goodness have things changed. I've survived a year in Kindergarten--two days a week, and very enjoyable, but very challenging--and a year in Grad School. In honor of that feat, I shall begin a new blog. A modern blog. A professional blog. A blog that says, I am now an adult. The lights dim...

Traveling a world of strange and mysterious things, with languages foreign, experiences magical, and people long since turned into dust; come journey with our hero through another exciting season of
Adventures in the Austentatious: Adventures through Time and Spanish. For here lies the answers to the most dazzling questions of the subjects of Social studies and Spanish...predominantly Social Studies! So come, read on, and enjoy the joys and mysteries of the world in which we once--and future--and now live in.

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